Elijah Tucker | Worship Pastor

Elijah grew up in West Michigan and moved with his family to Central Florida when he was a Freshman in high school. After getting plugged into a church and joining the youth worship team, he discovered a passion for leading worship. This developed over the years and was cultivated during his time studying at Moody Bible Institute.

After graduating with a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies/Music in 2017, Elijah served at a small church in Southwest Florida as a pastoral intern. After a year of leading worship and serving in youth ministry both at the church and in the local YoungLife group, he returned to Chicago. In Chicago he taught Freshman Composition and helped lead Chicago Hope Academy’s Gospel Choir and Worship Band.

In 2019 he started a Mdiv with Fuller Seminary and returned to Florida to be closer to family. Shortly after his return to Florida he celebrated an engagement, and then marriage to his wonderful wife Kiana. After serving for four years as a Worship Pastor and Administrative Pastor at a church in Central Florida, the Tuckers have answered the call to ministry at City on a Hill. Elijah, Kiana, and their son Deacon are thrilled to be here, and can’t wait to follow the Lord in ministry to Dane County and beyond.