Preschool Curriculum

January 10, 2021 | Unit 3, Session 2

Quick Links: Printable Lesson Plan | Printable Worksheet & Coloring Page

Hey, parents!

We wanted to offer a few directions as you navigate leading your preschooler through today’s lesson and activities. Below you will find our Bible passage for the day, a lesson plan for the day, and several other tips that can help you and your child as you study and worship this morning.

Here are the materials you will need for our lesson today:

  • Coloring Supplies

  • Blocks

  • Paper

1. Read the Bible Passage | Genesis 29-31

2. Ask the Big Picture Question:

Does God keep His promises?

3. Watch the Bible Story

4. Review the Key Verse

Genesis 28:15a, “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.”

5. Answer the Big Picture Question

God always keeps His promises.

6. Pray together

7. Do one or both of the Activities

Activity #1: Build a Well With Blocks


Set out blocks and invite your preschoolers to work with your other family members to build a well. Explain that people dig into the ground to find water. This is called a well. They often build a wall around the hole to identify the well.


A few weeks ago, we heard the story of how Abraham’s servant met Rebekah at a well. She would be the wife of Abraham’s son Isaac. In today’s Bible story, Isaac’s son Jacob met his future wife at a well!

Activity #2: Draw Family Portraits


Invite your preschooler to draw a picture of your family. Encourage discussion about your family as they work.


Nothing could stop God’s plan for the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah, but God loved Leah and used her in His plan. Through the family of Jacob and Leah’s son Judah, God would show His love for the world by sending Jesus to be the Savior.


  • Start the morning working on the coloring sheet and activity page.

  • As time permits, do one activity before the Bible Story Video and one activity afterward, to help reinforce the message.

  • Encourage your preschooler to memorize the Key Verse, Genesis 28:15a.