Preschool Curriculum
January 31, 2021 | Unit 4, Session 2
Quick Links: Printable Lesson Plan | Printable Worksheet & Coloring Page
Hey, parents!
We wanted to offer a few directions as you navigate leading your preschooler through today’s lesson and activities. Below you will find our Bible passage for the day, a lesson plan for the day, and several other tips that can help you and your child as you study and worship this morning.
Here are the materials you will need for our lesson today:
Coloring Supplies
Farm Animal Figures
1. Read the Bible Passage | Genesis 39-41
2. Ask the Big Picture Question:
Is there anything God cannot do?
3. Watch the Bible Story
4. Review the Key Verse
Hosea 13:4b, “You know no God but me, and besides me there is no savior.”
5. Answer the Big Picture Question
God can do all things.
6. Pray together
7. Do one or both of the Activities
Activity #1: Pat, Hop, Jump, and Clap
Guide your children to count to seven while performing different movements. Lead them to pat their knees, jump, hop on one foot, or clap seven times each. Ask your kids to suggest additional movements and lead your kids to do them seven times.
In our Bible story today, Joseph told Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, that there would be seven years of good harvests when lots of grain would grow. Then there would be seven years when not much grain would grow and people would not have enough to eat. Listen to hear how God used Joseph in His plan to provide food for many people.
Activity #2: Build with Blocks and Farm Animals
Set out blocks and a variety of farm animals, being sure to include cows, if you have them. Stack blocks. Count the cows. Suggest your child build a fence for a cow. Incorporate animals into block towers.
In today’s Bible story, God gave Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, a dream about seven fat cows and seven thin cows. This dream had a special meaning. No one could tell Pharaoh what his dream meant, but God helped Joseph understand the dream. Listen to hear how God used Joseph in His plan.
Start the morning working on the coloring sheet and activity page.
As time permits, do one activity before the Bible Story Video and one activity afterward, to help reinforce the message.
Encourage your preschooler to memorize the Key Verse, Hosea 13:4b