Preschool Curriculum

November 22, 2020 | Unit 1, Session 6

Quick Links: Printable Lesson Plan | Printable Worksheet & Coloring Page

Hey Parents!

We wanted to offer a few directions as you navigate leading your preschooler through today’s lesson and activities. Below you will find our Bible passage for the day, a lesson plan for the day, and several other tips that can help you and your child as you study and worship this morning.

Here are the materials you will need for our lesson today:

  • Coloring Supplies

  • 6-10 Random Items

  • Books About Friendship

1. Read the Bible Passage | Job

2. Ask the Big Picture Question:

Who is God?

3. Watch the Bible Story

4. Review the Key Verse

Colossians 1:16b, “All things were created through him and for him.”

5. Answer the Big Picture Question

God is our Creator and King.

6. Pray together

7. Do one or both of the Activities

Activity #1: Decide What is Missing


Gather six to ten items from around the room and place them on a table. Invite your preschoolers to observe the items. Instruct your children to turn around while you remove and hide one item. Ask your kids to guess the missing item. Continue removing items and guessing until all the items are gone. Replace the items and play again as time allows.


In today’s Bible story, a man named Job did not just have one thing taken away, he had many things taken away! When you hear everything that was taken away from Job, I think you will agree that he had a good reason to be sad. But God used all the sad things that happened to Job to help Job understand more about what God is like. 

Activity #2: Look at Books About Friendship


Set out books about friendship for your preschoolers to look through. Read a book to your child as he or she shows interest.


Three friends visited Job, but they were not being good friends. They said God was punishing Job for his sin, but they were wrong. Just because something bad happens to you doesn’t mean you did something wrong. Sometimes bad things happen and God is the only One who knows why. We cannot always understand what God is doing, but we can always trust God. Job learned that God is always good. 


  • Start the morning working on the coloring sheet and activity page.

  • As time permits, do one activity before the Bible Story Video and one activity afterward, to help reinforce the message.

  • Encourage your preschooler to memorize the Key Verse, Colossians 1:16b.