Preschool Curriculum
November 29, 2020 | Unit 2, Session 1
Quick Links: Printable Lesson Plan | Printable Worksheet & Coloring Page
Hey Parents!
We wanted to offer a few directions as you navigate leading your preschooler through today’s lesson and activities. Below you will find our Bible passage for the day, a lesson plan for the day, and several other tips that can help you and your child as you study and worship this morning.
Here are the materials you will need for our lesson today:
Coloring Supplies
1. Read the Bible Passage | Genesis 12; 15; 17
2. Ask the Big Picture Question:
Why can we trust God?
3. Watch the Bible Story
4. Review the Key Verse
Galatians 3:29, “If you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s offspring.”
5. Answer the Big Picture Question
We can trust God because He is faithful.
6. Pray together
7. Do one or both of the Activities
Activity #1: Go on a Journey
Invite your preschooler to follow you on a journey around the room. While on your “journey,” pretend to swim through a river, climb up a mountain, crawl under some branches in a forest, and take a moment to rest.
Thanks for going with me on that long journey! We pretended to travel a long way! In today’s Bible story, God told a man named Abram to go on a journey to a place he had never been before. How would you feel if you were asked to go on a journey somewhere you have never been?
Activity #2: Decide Between Happy and Sad
Invite your preschooler to draw a happy and sad face on either side of a piece of paper. Read the following scenarios. Invite your preschooler to show the happy face if it would make them happy and to show the sad face if it would make them sad.
Eating ice cream after dinner
Breaking your favorite toy
Going camping
Shopping at the mall
Putting broccoli on your pizza
Getting a new toy
In today’s Bible story, something very happy happened to a man named Abram. God chose Abram out of all the people in the world and made a covenant—a very special promise—with him. This promise is happy news for you and me, too!
Start the morning working on the coloring sheet and activity page.
As time permits, do one activity before the Bible Story Video and one activity afterward, to help reinforce the message.
Encourage your preschooler to memorize the Key Verse, Galatians 3:29.