Lino Rodríguez | Spanish Pastor

(Biografía en español)

Lino is from Mexico City. God saved him and called him to the ministry by pure grace.

He is married to Cindy, his helpmate, who has always been his greatest support in the ministry, she is from Guadalajara Mexico, and they have two children that the Lord has given them. Lino studied at La Roca Bible Institute in Guadalajara Mexico, where he met his wife Cindy. After graduating, they got married and went as missionaries to Guerrero Mexico. They served there for four years, and their son Pablo was born during that time. Later God allowed him to study at Rio Grande Bible Seminary in Texas, where his daughter Denisse was born. After graduating he had the privilege of pastoring a church in Virginia for almost three years.

In His sovereign grace the Lord brought Lino and his family to City on a Hill. Now he and his wife desire to expand the kingdom of God through City on a Hill in Spanish, for His Glory. They are very happy to be here and enjoy hiking as a family, or spending a nice afternoon walking, watching a movie, or in a park.